

EntryPoints (ie)

r2 arduino_avr.bin
[0x00000158]> ie
vaddr=0x00000158 paddr=0x00000158 baddr=0xffffffffffffffff laddr=0x00000000 haddr=-1 type=program
[0x00000158]> pd 10
            ;-- entry0:
            0x00000158      1124           clr r1
            0x0000015a      1fbe           out 0x3f, r1                ; '?' ; IO SREG: flags
            0x0000015c      cfef           ser r28
            0x0000015e      d0e1           ldi r29, 0x10
            0x00000160      debf           out 0x3e, r29               ; '>' ; IO SPH: Stack higher bits SP8-SP10
            0x00000162      cdbf           out 0x3d, r28               ; '=' ; IO SPL: Stack lower bits SP0-SP7
[0x00000158]> i
blksz    0x0
block    0x100
fd       6
file     arduino_avr.bin
format   avr
iorw     false
mode     -r--
size     0x3722
humansz  13.8K
type     ROM
arch     avr


Symbols (is)

[0x0000008c]> is
vaddr=0x0000008c paddr=0x0000008c ord=000 fwd=NONE sz=4 bind= type=EXTERNAL name=__BigCreate@4
vaddr=0x000000b9 paddr=0x000000b9 ord=000 fwd=NONE sz=4 bind= type=EXTERNAL name=__BigDestroy@4
vaddr=0x000000d5 paddr=0x000000d5 ord=000 fwd=NONE sz=4 bind= type=EXTERNAL name=__BigCopy@8
vaddr=0x00000103 paddr=0x00000103 ord=000 fwd=NONE sz=4 bind= type=EXTERNAL name=__BigCompare@8
vaddr=0x00000151 paddr=0x00000151 ord=000 fwd=NONE sz=4 bind= type=EXTERNAL name=__BigCompare32@8
vaddr=0x00000188 paddr=0x00000188 ord=000 fwd=NONE sz=4 bind= type=EXTERNAL name=__BigInB256@12
vaddr=0x00000205 paddr=0x00000205 ord=000 fwd=NONE sz=4 bind= type=EXTERNAL name=__BigIn32@8


Headers (ih)

[0x000001c0]> ihh
DEX file header:
magic               : 'dex\n035\0'
checksum            : 1b1f79b5
signature           : 3c99...7f13
file_size           : 1000
header_size         : 112
link_size           : 0
link_off            : 0 (0x000000)
Class #0            -
  Class descriptor  : 'LHello;'
  Access flags      : 0x0001 (PUBLIC)
  Superclass        : 'Ljava/lang/Object;'
  Interfaces        -
  Static fields     -
  Instance fields   -
    #0              : (in LHello;)
      name          : 'who'
      type          : 'Ljava/lang/String;'
      access        : 0x0002 (PRIVATE)
  Direct methods    -
    #0              : (in LHello;)
      name          : ''
      type          : '(Ljava/lang/String;)V'
      access        : 0x10001 (PUBLIC CONSTRUCTOR)
      code          -
      registers     : 2

EntryPoints (ie)

[0x000001c0]> ie
vaddr=0x000001c0 paddr=0x000001c0 baddr=0x00000000 laddr=0x00000000 haddr=-1 type=program

1 entrypoints

Classes, methods and fields (ic, VB)

[0x000001c0]> ic
0x00000174 [0x000001a4 - 0x0000021e] (sz 122) class 0 LHello
0x000001a4 method 0 pC   LHello.method.(Ljava/lang/String;)V
0x000001c0 method 1 sp   LHello.method.main([Ljava/lang/String;)V
0x000001e8 method 2 p    LHello.method.say()V
[0x000001c0]> icj~{}
    "classname": "LHello",
    "addr": 372,
    "index": 0,
    "methods": [
        "name": "LHello.method.(Ljava/lang/String;)V",
        "flags": [
        "addr": 420
        "name": "LHello.method.main([Ljava/lang/String;)V",
        "flags": [
        "addr": 448
        "name": "LHello.method.say()V",
        "flags": [
        "addr": 488


Headers (ih)

  [0x080483d0]> ih
  0x00000000  ELF MAGIC   0x464c457f
  0x00000004  Type        0x0101
  0x00000006  Machine     0x0001
  0x00000008  Version     0x00000000
  0x0000000c  Entrypoint  0x00000000
  0x00000010  PhOff       0x00030002
  0x00000014  ShOff       0x00000001

Sections (iS)

  [0x080483d0]> iS
  idx=04 vaddr=0x080481c0 paddr=0x000001c0 sz=32 vsz=32 perm=--r-- name=.gnu.hash
  idx=05 vaddr=0x080481e0 paddr=0x000001e0 sz=144 vsz=144 perm=--r-- name=.dynsym
  idx=06 vaddr=0x08048270 paddr=0x00000270 sz=95 vsz=95 perm=--r-- name=.dynstr
  idx=07 vaddr=0x080482d0 paddr=0x000002d0 sz=18 vsz=18 perm=--r-- name=.gnu.version
  [0x080483d0]> iSj~{}
    "name": ".interp",
    "size": 19,
    "vsize": 19,
    "flags": "--r--",
    "paddr": 340,
    "vaddr": 134512980
    "name": ".note.ABI_tag",
    "size": 32,
    "vsize": 32,
    "flags": "--r--",
    "paddr": 360,
    "vaddr": 134513000

EntryPoints/TLS (ie)

[0x080483d0]> ie
vaddr=0x080483d0 paddr=0x000003d0 baddr=0x08048000 laddr=0x00000000 haddr=0x00000018 type=program

1 entrypoints

Main detection (iM)

[0x080483d0]> iM
vaddr=0x08048540 paddr=0x00000540

Libraries/Imports/Exports (il, ii, iE)

[0x080483d0]> il
[Linked libraries]

1 library
[0x080483d0]> ii
ordinal=001 plt=0x00000000 bind=WEAK type=NOTYPE name=__gmon_start__
ordinal=002 plt=0x08048364 bind=GLOBAL type=FUNC name=__libc_start_main
ordinal=003 plt=0x08048374 bind=GLOBAL type=FUNC name=scanf
ordinal=004 plt=0x08048384 bind=GLOBAL type=FUNC name=strlen
[0x080483d0]> iij~{}
    "ordinal": 1,
    "bind": "WEAK",
    "type": "NOTYPE",
    "name": "__gmon_start__",
    "plt": 0
    "ordinal": 2,
    "bind": "GLOBAL",
    "type": "FUNC",
    "name": "__libc_start_main",
    "plt": 134513508

Certificate, Debug, Protection and Version Information (iI,iV,iC)

[0x080483d0]> iV
Version symbols section '.gnu.version' contains 9 entries:
 Addr: 0x080482d0  Offset: 0x000002d0  Link: 5 (.dynsym)
0x00000000: 0 (*local*) 0 (*local*) (GLIBC_2.0) (GLIBC_2.0)
0x00000004: (GLIBC_2.0) (GLIBC_2.0) (GLIBC_2.0) (GLIBC_2.0)
0x00000008: 1 (*global*)
[0x080483d0]> iI
canary   false
class    ELF32
crypto   false
endian   little
havecode true
intrp    /lib/
lang     c
linenum  true
lsyms    true
machine  Intel 80386
maxopsz  16
minopsz  1
nx       true
os       linux
pcalign  0
pic      false
relocs   true
relro    partial relro
rpath    NONE
static   false
stripped false
subsys   linux
va       true


EntryPoints (ie)

[0x00001c87]> ie
vaddr=0x00001c87 paddr=0x00001c87 baddr=0x00000000 laddr=0x00000000 haddr=0x00001c71 type=program
vaddr=0x000020b4 paddr=0x000020b4 baddr=0x00000000 laddr=0x00000000 haddr=0x0000209e type=program
vaddr=0x00002720 paddr=0x00002720 baddr=0x00000000 laddr=0x00000000 haddr=0x0000270a type=program
vaddr=0x0000275d paddr=0x0000275d baddr=0x00000000 laddr=0x00000000 haddr=0x00002747 type=program
vaddr=0x000027a5 paddr=0x000027a5 baddr=0x00000000 laddr=0x00000000 haddr=0x0000278f type=program
vaddr=0x000027e2 paddr=0x000027e2 baddr=0x00000000 laddr=0x00000000 haddr=0x000027cc type=program
vaddr=0x0000281f paddr=0x0000281f baddr=0x00000000 laddr=0x00000000 haddr=0x00002809 type=program
vaddr=0x00002868 paddr=0x00002868 baddr=0x00000000 laddr=0x00000000 haddr=0x00002852 type=program
vaddr=0x000028a5 paddr=0x000028a5 baddr=0x00000000 laddr=0x00000000 haddr=0x0000288f type=program
vaddr=0x000028e2 paddr=0x000028e2 baddr=0x00000000 laddr=0x00000000 haddr=0x000028cc type=program
vaddr=0x0000291f paddr=0x0000291f baddr=0x00000000 laddr=0x00000000 haddr=0x00002909 type=program
vaddr=0x00002968 paddr=0x00002968 baddr=0x00000000 laddr=0x00000000 haddr=0x00002952 type=program
vaddr=0x000029a5 paddr=0x000029a5 baddr=0x00000000 laddr=0x00000000 haddr=0x0000298f type=program

Classes, methods and fields (ic, VB)

[0x00001c87]> ic
0x00000000 [0x00000000 - 0x00000000] (sz 0) class 0 org/radare2/installer/MainActivity super: android/app/Activity
[0x00001c87]> icj~{}
    "classname": "org/radare2/installer/MainActivity",
    "addr": 0,
    "index": 0,
    "super": "android/app/Activity",
    "methods": [


Other related command

[0x00001c87]> java help
|Usage: java [cmd] [arg..] Suite of java commands, java help for more info
| help                              displays this message
| set_flags [addr cmf ]      set the access flags attributes for a field or method
| prototypes                show in JSON, or All,Imports,Class,Methods,Fields
| resolve_cp [ idx]        cp type or value @ idx. Summary,Type,b64Encode,Const,Addr,Dump,Gsumarize
| calc_flags  [visib.]        value from access flags: ListAll, flags, Class, Field, Method
| flags_str_at  [addr]         string value from access flags @ addr: Class, Field, Method
| flags_str [ ]        string value for the flags number: Class, Field, Method
| m_info [ | ]    method information at index (c:method+ord, s:metadata)
| f_info [ | #idx]       field information at index (c:field+ord, s:metadata)
| find_cp_const [a|#idx]            find references to constant CP Object in code: AllReferences
| find_cp_value [ V]         find references to CP constants by value
| replace_cp_value [ V]        replace CP constants with value if the no resizing is required
| replace_classname_value    rename class name
| reload_bin addr [size]            reload and reanalyze the Java class file starting at address
| summary                           print summary information for the current java class file
| lcr [addr]                        list all references to fields and methods in code sections
| exc []                      list all exceptions to fields and methods in code sections
| yc_w_refs [name] [start] [count]  yara code bytes extraction with a name starting at  to 
| i_mref C M S                      add Method to Class with given method signature
| calc_sz                     calculate class file size at location
| is_valid                check buffer to see if it is a valid class file


Headers (ih)

  [0x1000011e0]> ih
  0x00000000  Magic       0xfeedfacf
  0x00000004  CpuType     0x1000007
  0x00000008  CpuSubType  0x80000003
  0x0000000c  FileType    0x2
  0x00000010  nCmds       18
  0x00000014  sizeOfCmds  1800
  0x00000018  Flags       0x200085
  Load Command 0
  0x00000020  cmd          0x19 LC_SEGMENT_64
  0x00000024  cmdsize      72

Sections (iS)

[0x1000011e0]> iS
idx=00 vaddr=0x100000f00 paddr=0x00000f00 sz=13599 vsz=13599 perm=m-r-x name=0.__TEXT.__text
idx=01 vaddr=0x100004420 paddr=0x00004420 sz=456 vsz=456 perm=m-r-x name=1.__TEXT.__stubs
idx=02 vaddr=0x1000045e8 paddr=0x000045e8 sz=776 vsz=776 perm=m-r-x name=2.__TEXT.__stub_helper
idx=03 vaddr=0x1000048f0 paddr=0x000048f0 sz=504 vsz=504 perm=m-r-x name=3.__TEXT.__const
idx=04 vaddr=0x100004ae8 paddr=0x00004ae8 sz=1150 vsz=1150 perm=m-r-x name=4.__TEXT.__cstring
[0x1000011e0]> iSj~{}
    "name": "0.__TEXT.__text",
    "size": 13599,
    "vsize": 13599,
    "flags": "m-r-x",
    "paddr": 3840,
    "vaddr": 4294971136
    "name": "1.__TEXT.__stubs",
    "size": 456,
    "vsize": 456,
    "flags": "m-r-x",
    "paddr": 17440,
    "vaddr": 4294984736

EntryPoints/TLS (ie)

[0x1000011e0]> ie
vaddr=0x1000011e0 paddr=0x000011e0 baddr=0x100000000 laddr=0x00000000 haddr=0x00000648 type=program

1 entrypoints

Main detection (iM)

[0x1000011e0]> iM
vaddr=0x1000011e0 paddr=0x1000011e0

Libraries/Imports/Exports (il, ii, iE)

[0x1000011e0]> il
[Linked libraries]

3 libraries

[0x1000011e0]> ii
ordinal=000 plt=0x00000000 bind=NONE type=FUNC name=_DefaultRuneLocale
ordinal=001 plt=0x10000443e bind=NONE type=FUNC name=__assert_rtn
ordinal=002 plt=0x100004444 bind=NONE type=FUNC name=__bzero
ordinal=003 plt=0x10000444a bind=NONE type=FUNC name=__error
ordinal=004 plt=0x100004450 bind=NONE type=FUNC name=__maskrune
ordinal=005 plt=0x100004456 bind=NONE type=FUNC name=__snprintf_chk
ordinal=006 plt=0x10000445c bind=NONE type=FUNC name=__stack_chk_fail
ordinal=007 plt=0x00000000 bind=NONE type=FUNC name=__stack_chk_guard
[0x1000011e0]> iij~{}
    "ordinal": 0,
    "bind": "NONE",
    "type": "FUNC",
    "name": "_DefaultRuneLocale",
    "plt": 0
    "ordinal": 1,
    "bind": "NONE",
    "type": "FUNC",
    "name": "__assert_rtn",
    "plt": 4294984766

Certificate, Debug, Protection and Version Information (iI,iV,iC)

[0x1000011e0]> i
type     Executable file
arch     x86
binsz    38624
bintype  mach0
bits     64
canary   true
class    MACH064
crypto   false
endian   little
havecode true
intrp    /usr/lib/dyld
pic      true
relocs   false
static   false
stripped true
nx       false

Minidump (See also PE)

EntryPoints/TLS (ie)

[0x004014c8]> ie
vaddr=0x004014c8 paddr=0x000008c8 baddr=0x00400000 laddr=0x00000000 haddr=0x00000098 type=program
vaddr=0x00401618 paddr=0x00000a18 baddr=0x00400000 laddr=0x00000000 haddr=0x00007fb0 type=tls

2 entrypoints

[0x004014c8]> iej~{}
    "vaddr": 4199624,
    "paddr": 2248,
    "baddr": 4194304,
    "laddr": 0,
    "haddr": 152,
    "type": "program"

Sections (iS)

[0x00409a16]> iS
idx=00 vaddr=0x00401000 paddr=0x00001000 sz=36864 vsz=36864 perm=m-r-x name=.text
idx=01 vaddr=0x0040a000 paddr=0x0000a000 sz=4096 vsz=4096 perm=m-r-- name=.rdata
idx=02 vaddr=0x0040b000 paddr=0x0000b000 sz=159744 vsz=3166208 perm=m-rw-
idx=03 vaddr=0x00710000 paddr=0x00032000 sz=3518464 vsz=3518464 perm=m-r-- name=.rsrc

4 sections

[0x00409a16]> iSj~{}
    "name": ".text",
    "size": 36864,
    "vsize": 36864,
    "flags": "m-r-x",
    "paddr": 4096,
    "vaddr": 4198400


[0x00409a16]> pd 9 @[0x004083ac]
;-- msvcrt.dll_vfprintf:
0x7fefdb0a1a4      4883ec38       sub rsp, 0x38            ; '8'
0x7fefdb0a1a8      4c89442420     mov qword [rsp + 0x20], r8
0x7fefdb0a1ad      4c8bc2         mov r8, rdx
0x7fefdb0a1b0      488bd1         mov rdx, rcx
0x7fefdb0a1b3      488d0dea7ffa.  lea rcx, 0x7fefdab21a4   ; 0x7fefdab21a4
0x7fefdb0a1ba      4533c9         xor r9d, r9d
0x7fefdb0a1bd      e87efdffff     call 0x7fefdb09f40
0x7fefdb0a1c2      4883c438       add rsp, 0x38            ; '8'
0x7fefdb0a1c6      c3             ret

Information (iI)

[0x00409a16]> iI
arch     x86
binsz    36724
bits     64
canary   false
crypto   false
endian   little
havecode true
hdr.csum 0x00000000
linenum  false
lsyms    false
machine  AMD64
maxopsz  16
minopsz  1
nx       false
os       Windows NT Workstation 6.1.7601
pcalign  0
pic      false
relocs   false
rpath    NONE
static   true
stripped false
va       true


Headers (ih)

[0x00409a16]> ih
PE file header:
    Signature : 0x4550
    Machine : 0x14c
    NumberOfSections : 0x4
    TimeDateStamp : 0x4ce78ecc
    PointerToSymbolTable : 0x0
    NumberOfSymbols : 0x0
    SizeOfOptionalHeader : 0xe0
    Characteristics : 0x10f

Sections (iS)

[0x00409a16]> iS
idx=00 vaddr=0x00401000 paddr=0x00001000 sz=36864 vsz=36864 perm=m-r-x name=.text
idx=01 vaddr=0x0040a000 paddr=0x0000a000 sz=4096 vsz=4096 perm=m-r-- name=.rdata
idx=02 vaddr=0x0040b000 paddr=0x0000b000 sz=159744 vsz=3166208 perm=m-rw-
idx=03 vaddr=0x00710000 paddr=0x00032000 sz=3518464 vsz=3518464 perm=m-r-- name=.rsrc

4 sections

[0x00409a16]> iSj~{}
    "name": ".text",
    "size": 36864,
    "vsize": 36864,
    "flags": "m-r-x",
    "paddr": 4096,
    "vaddr": 4198400

EntryPoints/TLS (ie)

[0x004014c8]> ie
vaddr=0x004014c8 paddr=0x000008c8 baddr=0x00400000 laddr=0x00000000 haddr=0x00000098 type=program
vaddr=0x00401618 paddr=0x00000a18 baddr=0x00400000 laddr=0x00000000 haddr=0x00007fb0 type=tls

2 entrypoints

[0x004014c8]> iej~{}
    "vaddr": 4199624,
    "paddr": 2248,
    "baddr": 4194304,
    "laddr": 0,
    "haddr": 152,
    "type": "program"

Main detection (iM)

[0x00409a16]> iM
vaddr=0x00408140 paddr=0x00008140

Libraries/Imports/Exports (il, ii, iE)

[0x00409a16]> il
[Linked libraries]

7 libraries

[0x00409a16]> ii
ordinal=001 plt=0x0040a030 bind=NONE type=FUNC name=KERNEL32.dll_WaitForSingleObject
ordinal=002 plt=0x0040a034 bind=NONE type=FUNC name=KERNEL32.dll_InterlockedIncrement
ordinal=003 plt=0x0040a038 bind=NONE type=FUNC name=KERNEL32.dll_GetCurrentThreadId
ordinal=004 plt=0x0040a03c bind=NONE type=FUNC name=KERNEL32.dll_GetCurrentThread
ordinal=005 plt=0x0040a040 bind=NONE type=FUNC name=KERNEL32.dll_ReadFile

[0x101cf8ab]> iE
vaddr=0x100ec600 paddr=0x000eba00 ord=1303 fwd=NONE sz=0 bind=GLOBAL type=FUNC name=RtmPal.dll_RtcPalCryptSHA384Final
vaddr=0x100ec5dc paddr=0x000eb9dc ord=1304 fwd=NONE sz=0 bind=GLOBAL type=FUNC name=RtmPal.dll_RtcPalCryptSHA384Update
vaddr=0x100ec643 paddr=0x000eba43 ord=1305 fwd=NONE sz=0 bind=GLOBAL type=FUNC name=RtmPal.dll_RtcPalCryptSHA512Create
vaddr=0x100ec6af paddr=0x000ebaaf ord=1306 fwd=NONE sz=0 bind=GLOBAL type=FUNC name=RtmPal.dll_RtcPalCryptSHA512Destroy

[0x101cf8ab]> iij~{} | more
    "ordinal": 1,
    "bind": "NONE",
    "type": "FUNC",
    "name": "KERNEL32.dll_DeviceIoControl",
    "plt": 270668020

Resources (iR)

[0x08050911]> iR
Resource 0
    name: 1
    timestamp: Thu Jan  1 00:00:00 1970
    paddr: 0x00078570
    size: 66K
    type: ICON
    language: LANG_ENGLISH
Resource 1
    name: 2
    timestamp: Thu Jan  1 00:00:00 1970
    paddr: 0x00088d98
    size: 37.2K
    type: ICON
    language: LANG_ENGLISH
Resource 15
    name: 1
    timestamp: Thu Jan  1 00:00:00 1970
    paddr: 0x0659cdc0
    size: 381
    type: MANIFEST
    language: LANG_ENGLISH

[0x08050911]> iRj~{}
    "name": 1,
    "index": 0,
    "type": "ICON",
    "paddr": 492912,
    "size": 67624,
    "lang": "LANG_ENGLISH"

[0x00000000]> pm @@ resource.**
0x0009fd30 0x0009fd30 1 PE  for MS Windows Intel 80386 32-bit
0x016f07c0 0x016f07c0 1 PE  for MS Windows Intel 80386 32-bit
0x02ae3880 0x02ae3880 1 PE  for MS Windows Intel 80386 32-bit
0x036ea060 0x036ea060 1 PE  for MS Windows Intel 80386 32-bit
0x04d7adf0 0x04d7adf0 1 PE  for MS Windows Intel 80386 32-bit

Certificate, Debug, Protection and Version Information (iI,iV,iC)

[0x00409a16]> iV


  Signature: 0xfeef04bd
  StrucVersion: 0x10000
  FileVersion: 6.1.7601.17514
  ProductVersion: 6.1.7601.17514
  FileFlagsMask: 0x3f
  FileFlags: 0x0
  FileOS: 0x40004
  FileType: 0x1
  FileSubType: 0x0

# StringTable

  CompanyName: Microsoft Corporation
  FileDescription: Microsoft® Disk Defragmenter
  FileVersion: 6.1.7601.17514 (win7sp1_rtm.101119-1850)
  InternalName: lhdfrgui.exe
  LegalCopyright: © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
  OriginalFilename: lhdfrgui.exe
  ProductName: Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
  ProductVersion: 6.1.7601.17514

[0x00409a16]> iI
cmp.csum 0x00394136
compiled Sat Nov 20 09:03:08 2010
hdr.csum 0x00000000
crypto   false
nx       false
signed   false
dbg_file c:\\src\\ProcMon\\exe\\Release\\Johnny.pdb
guid     0CDC6EB98912480293E5487A3B62E0C0C

[0x004b5953]> iC
  Version: 1
  Digest Algorithms:
  Certificates: 4
      Version: v3
      Serial Number:
      Signature Algorithm:
        countryName: US
        stateOrProvinceName: Washington
        localityName: Redmond
        organizationName: Microsoft Corporation
        commonName: Microsoft Time-Stamp PCA
        Not Before: 04/09/2012 21:12:34 GMT
        Not After: 04/12/2013 21:12:34 GMT

[0x004b5953]> iCj~{}
        "Version": 1,
        "DigestAlgorithms": [
        "Certificates": [
        "TBSCertificate": {
        "Version": 3,
        "SerialNumber": "33:00:00:00:2b:39:32:48:c1:b2:c9:48:f3:00:00:00:00:00:2b",
        "SignatureAlgorithm": "sha1WithRSAEncryption",
        "Issuer": {
        "countryName": "US",
        "stateOrProvinceName": "Washington",
        "localityName": "Redmond",
        "organizationName": "Microsoft Corporation",
        "commonName": "Microsoft Time-Stamp PCA"
        "Validity": {
        "NotBefore": "04/09/2012 21:12:34 GMT",
        "NotAfter": "04/12/2013 21:12:34 GMT"

Zip (Jar, Apk, Ipa)

r2 jar://example.jar
0 research_data/experiment/decompiler/dumped_jar_dec/c.class

r2 jar://example.jar::0
[0x000002af]> i~type
type     JAVA CLASS
bintype  class


r2 ihex://FreeRTOS-pic18c.hex
[0x00000000]> pi 5
goto 0x246e
return 0
return 0
btfss 0x9e, 2, 0
bra 0x2